Over 20 years of performing experience
In 30+ productions
Over 10 years of creative writing experience
In 20+ productions
Over 5 years of set design experience
In 10+ productions
E D U C A T I O N 
2021-2023 Master of Arts, Design for the Performing Arts, Uniarts Theatre Academy, Helsinki
2018-2021 Bachelor of Arts, Design for the Performing Arts, Aalto University, Espoo
2014-2015 Theater II, Acting, Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts, Lahti
2013-2014 Creative Writing and Communication, Workers' Academy, Kauniainen

W O R K   E X P E R I E N C E   ( S E L E C T E D,   2 0 1 4  -  2 0 2 4,   G R A N T   A N D   I N S T I T U T I O N A L )
2023 VES-Seminar (Uniarts Theatre Academy), panelist
2023 Teaching Ecoscenography (Prague Quadrennial), panelist

2023 Suo, Silent, Disco (Uniarts Helsinki x Aalto University collaboration, exhibited at Prague Quadrennial 2023), artist and producer
2022 Fositar (Choregraphy: Lydia Touliatou, Uniarts Helsinki), set designer
2022 DeLyxx (collaboration with Timo Tikka, Sara-Maria Pirhonen and Antonia Atarah, Uniarts Helsinki), set and costume designer

2022 drawing a line (OBJEKT, Narva), multidisciplinary artist and performer
2021 Suurenmoinen sotku (A Great Mess, WAUHAUS ry, Helsinki Bieannal 2021), set design assistant
2021 TULEVAISUUS PERUTTU (Future Cancelled, HIT HELSINKI ry), set designer, graphic designer and performer
2021 Pimeän nimi (director: Anna Jaanisoo, Uniarts Helsinki), set designer, graphic designer, photographer and performer

2020 Pinokkio (director: Anna Jaanisoo, HIT HELSINKI ry), set designer
2020 Fanny ja Alexander (director: Paavo Westerberg, Helsinki City Theatre), set design assistant 
2020 Iso naksahdus (director: Anna Jaanisoo, Uniarts Helsinki), set designer and performer
2020 Bio Rio (collaboration with Meimi Taipale, Sofia Smeds and Mia Jalerva, Ilves Theater), set designer and performer
2019 Invaasio! -kiertue (Invasion! Tour in Europe, director: Meimi Taipale, Ilves Theater), set designer and performer
2017 Yön yli kantavat äänet (director: Timo Raita, Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts), writer and co-director
2016 Invaasio! (Invasion!, director: Meimi Taipale, Ilves Theater), performer

2016 MMMM (director: Mikko Salminen, Ilves Theater), writer, director, co-producer and lighting designer
2015 SEREMONIA (director: Ian Hannon, Juho Liira, Kiia Laine and Anni Mikkelsson, Ilves Theater), dramaturg

2015 Hannu ja Kerttu (diploma work, director: Saara Karjalainen, Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts), writer, scenographer and performer
2015 Sorrettuja ja solvattuja (director: Titta Halinen, Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts), performer
2015 Naisista, miehistä ja tappamisesta (director: Niko Saarela, Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts), performer
2014 Rannan Simo hiihtää (director: Juha Hurme, Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts), performer
2014 Äidin oma poika, Raskolnikov (director: Misa Palander, Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts), performer
A W A R D S   A N D   S C O L A R S H I P S
2023 Teme's (Trade Union for Theatre and Media Finland) Theatre, Film and Television Designers Student Scholarship.
2023 Prague Quadrennial 2023 Award for Most Imaginative and Inventive Design in the Student Exhibition.
The University of the Arts Helsinki Foundation Graduation Scholarship.
Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts Scholarship.
2014 Workers' Academy's The Onni Toivonen Foundation Scholarship.
O T H E R   S K I L L S
Driving license (B), photography, production management, marketing, recruitment, planning, communication, social media, graphic design and layout work.
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